Former Boys’ Junior High School in Lublin

Lublin, 1 Spokojna Str.



The former Boys’ Junior High School with extended curriculum in humanities at 1 Spokojna Street in Lublin erected after 1910 -1911 according to the design by Bronisław Kochanowski (according to other sources - by Teofil Wiśniowski). The building represents a variety of Art Nouveau with austere decor. There are two floors above the ground floor decorated with rustic quoins and the decor is limited to rectangular panels emphasizing the architectural divisions of the elevation. The characteristic entrance from the side of I Armii Wojska Polskiego Street is very wide, covered with a flattened arch and surrounded by two obelisks with vases. The Collegium Anatomicum of the Medical Academy is located here at present.

Image List

Lublin, dawne męskie gimnazjum humanistyczne
Lublin - Former Boys’ Junior High School. Picture by Piotr Kożurno.
