Former Wilhelm Landau's Bank House in Łódź

Łódź, 29 Piotrkowska Str.



The Bank House at 29  Piotrkowska Street in Łódź built in 1903 according to Gustaw Landau-Gutenteger's design for the benefit of Wilhelm Landau, a banker. It is a three-storey corner building in which there were once shops on the ground floor, a bank on the first floor, and rental flats on the second and third floors. The architectural forms refer to Neo-baroque and at the same time an interesting Art Nouveau detail was applied here. Both elevations have similar solutions but the side elevation has eight axes and the elevation facing Piotrkowska Street - five axes. The corner is rounded and above the first floor it transforms into a type of a tower divided by wall columns and topped with a bell-shaped dome. The elevations have been decorated with rustic quoins. The ground floor and the first floor function as the pedestal. The walls above are divided by lesenes supporting simplified entablature and the topping cornice. The entirety is topped with a balustrade with posts of Art Nouveau forms. A column portal topped with a gapped wavy pediment, in which a cartouche with the number of the real estate and the decor in the form of a female head against a background of a pine branch was placed, leads to the interior from the side of Piotrkowska Street.

Image List

Łódź, dom bankowy Wilhelma Landaua
Łódź, dom bankowy Wilhelma Landaua
Łódź, dom bankowy Wilhelma Landaua
Łódź, dom bankowy Wilhelma Landaua
Łódź, dom bankowy Wilhelma Landaua
