Cracow Technical Society

Kraków, 28 Straszewskiego Str.



The building of the Cracow Technical Society at 28  Straszewskiego Street was built in the years 1905-1906 according to Sławomir Odrzywolski's design. It is regarded as one of the best examples of the Art Nouveau architecture in Cracow. Its asymmetric facade is enlivened with a loggia with a balcony on the right and the left part is topped with a trapezoidal gable. The sculptural decor of the facade was made by Jan Raszka. At present the seat of the Chief Technical Organization is located in the building.

Image List

Kraków, dom Towarzystwa Technicznego
Kraków, siedziba Towarzystwa Technicznego
Kraków, siedziba Towarzystwa Technicznego
Kraków, siedziba Towarzystwa Technicznego
