Course in Information Retrieval


The course of information literacy, information retrieval and access to information on physics and related disciplines was realised thanks to participation in the IV EU Framework Programme directed by the Directoriat General XIII, Electronic Publishing and Libraries, Telematics Applications Programme 1994-1998 available for the representatives of the Central and East European countries, who took part in the Telematics for Libraries Programme, in the frame of which the LB-5611 - DEDICATE (Distance Education Information Courses with Access Through Networks) was financed.

The course was prepared by the staff of the Nicholas Copernicus University Library and the Academic Gymnasium in Toruń in the co-operation with dr. Józefina Turło from the Department of Physics and Astronomy under the direction of dr Nancy Fjällbrant from the Chalmers University in Göteborg in Sweden. The course is addressed to the students of the Postdiploma Courses in Physics and Computer Applications.

The aims of this course are:

The participants will have the possibility to:

The course in information retrieval will be led by specialists, according to participants needs (after earlier consultations) in the rooms of the University Library and the International Centre for Information Management, Systems and Services, which are equipped with all necessary tools and information sources.

The authors of this course decided to define one topic, which could indicate a few example searches in specific sources, which are necessary in practical exercises. After discussion and scientific consultations with dr Józefina Turło (the Institute of Physics) the topic, connected with physics and astronomy, "Sun for everyone" was chosen. This topic matches the postdiplomas needs; they teach physics in schools of the Torun county.

There is a hope this course will serve its purpose, it may be also useful for anyone interested in this subject and then the authors of this course will find the introducing the participants into the windings of rich information environment very satisfying.

Maria Śliwińska

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