Micheline Beaulieu
Head of Department of Information Studies
University of Sheffield
Postal address: Western Bank Sheffield S10 2TN
Location: Regent Court, 211 Portobello Street
Sheffield S1 4DP
Tel: +44 (0) 114 2222640
Fax: +44 (0) 114 2780300
E-mail: m.beaulieu@sheffield.ac.uk

Professor Beaulieu is Professor of Information Science
at Sheffield. She worked in academic libraries for many years before making
a change of career to undertake research and teaching. In her current role
and former post at City University London, she has headed the two most highly
rated Departments in Information and Library research in the U.K. She has
researched and published widely in the following areas: the design and evaluation
of interactive information systems, information seeking behaviour and information
retrieval, human computer interaction and the application of IT in the Humanities.

It is a privilege to be associated with such an exciting venture
as ICIMSS. With the globalisation of information and information networks,
it is important that information professionals and educators have the opportunity
to cross national boundaries and come together in the designing of new curricula
for meeting the needs of a dynamic and changing information profession.
This initiative is unique and will be a learning experience for all concerned.
With best regards,